Ken Goldstein recorded various Scots in the USA as residents or as touring professional performers.
He recorded several reels of Aberdonian Norman Kennedy who had moved to live in Cambridge Mass to work as a hand-loom weaver. I have put into the 'Listen to these gems! page above 1970s recordings of Norman singing, talking about and telling stories with Goldstein.
Goldstein recorded Scots performers he had brought over for the Philadelphia Folk Festival and the Philadelphia Folksong Society. These included a joint performance by professional singer Jean Redpath and Border shepherd Willie Scott, with each of them recorded on separate tape recorders, so that each is inaudible on one of the reels!
Hear Jean Redpath in the 'Listen to these gems!' page or use the search box at Kenneth S. Goldstein Collection Audio Recordings: Reels | University of Mississippi Research | eGrove.

In the Ole Miss archive are reels of The Boys Of The Lough live at the Philadelphia Folk Festival April 1973.
Go to Kenneth S. Goldstein Collection Audio Recordings: Reels | University of Mississippi Research | eGrove
and search for Boys Of The Lough. Only the first three listed are available to listen to.
They seem to be workshops including other performers.